UMass Amherst Alerts are part of the UMass Amherst Emergency Preparedness planning that's managed by the University's Office of Emergency Management and Business Continuity Program, a division of the Department of Environmental Health and Safety. Please contact the Office of Emergency Management for information.
- UMass Amherst Emeregncy Management and Emergency Alerts
- Sign up for Emergency Alerts
- Emergency Alerts FAQ
- Emergency Procedures [PDF]
The Emergency Notification System
UMass Amherst's comprehensive emergency notification system is called UMass Amherst Alerts. Its notifications only apply to emergency situations or conditions that pose an immediate or imminent safety or security threat to the campus community. These situations require that a best effort be made to notify the campus community. The following methods are used:
- Text Messaging
- Outdoor Warning Systems (OWS)
- UMass Amherst home page posts breaking information on campus emergencies.
- UMass Amherst Emergency Closing website and Hotline (413-545-3630) provides updates on in-progress emergencies and refers callers to the home page for the latest information.
- External media outlets, such as local television and radio stations and news websites, are asked to broadcast emergency information provided by campus officials.