
The EHS trainings below are free and available to UMass faculty, staff and students. Many of the trainings are required as part of Lab, Fire, and Construction Safety Programs. 

Please note that a Net ID is required to access trainings in SciShield and OWL. It is important to be aware that some online courses are available in SciSchield while others are in OWL. All lab personnel must complete the SciSchield versions of the trainings.

Please note that your SPIRE information is provided to SciShield, so your UMass Net ID must be used as your primary email address in SPIRE for the training information to be successfully synced with other platforms like CORUM and Kuali.  If you receive training non-compliance messages from those platforms when your trainings are current, please check that your SPIRE information is correct.

Individuals who are not part of the UMass community must have a NENS setup for them to be able to access the trainings. Please keep in mind that it may take up to a week for the NENS to appear on SPIRE before it is synchronized with SciShield or OWL.  If you encounter any difficulties setting up the NENS, please do not hesitate to contact OIT at 413-545-9400 or email

It is important to note that in the event of your password expiring, access to SciShield and OWL for training purposes will not be possible. Nevertheless, you will still have access to other University services such as email.

Art Safety Training

Online Self-Paced

Art safety training covers art safety & regulatory compliance for those working in studios, art shops, or the craft center.

Art Safety Training

Required for anyone who works in the Art department or the Craft Center. Individuals who work in these areas take Art Safety Training instead of Lab Safety Training. No food related containers in lab trash. ▫ No cosmetics. ▫ No hand creams. ▫ No chewing gum. ▫ No handling contact lenses. Learn more in the General Arts Safety Program Presentation [PDF].

Topics include application of the hierarchy of controls in art areas, hazard communication/right to know, appropriate use of art specific safety equipment & procedures, PPE programs & other resources, hazardous waste, & emergencies. 

Launch course

Autoclave Safety Training

Online Self-Paced

This training is provided to make you aware of personal safety issues, ensure proper waste decontamination & maintain sterile processing.

Autoclave Safety Training

Required training for anyone who operates an autoclave. 

Launch Course

Biosafety Training
Petrie Dishes

Online Self-Paced

Biosafety explains how to prevent accidental biological exposure or release of infectious agents.

Biosafety Training

Required training for anyone who works with biological materials.

Launch Course

Bloodborne Pathogen Training

Online Self-Paced

Reviews bloodborne pathogens & diseases and the methods used to avoid occupational exposure.

Bloodborne Pathogen Training

Required training for anyone who works with human source materials and who has not already completed biosafety training. If you have completed biosafety training, you do not need to complete this training. 

For a classroom option, please contact

Launch Course

Confined Space
Worker in a confined space

In-Person Instructor-Led

Required for entrants, attendants, or supervisors of confined space entry.

Confined Space

Required for entrants, attendants, or supervisors of confined space entry.

To schedule a classroom training, please email

Learn More

Contractor Safety Orientation

Online Self-Paced

Emergency response protocols and Environmental Health and Safety requirements for construction.

Contractor Safety Orientation

Required for Contractor Project Managers, Superintendents and Foremen and for UMass Project and Contract Managers, Resident and Construction Engineers for construction projects at UMass Amherst and Satellite campuses. Training must be repeated annually.  

Launch Course

Control of Hazardous Energy (LO/TO)
Lock out, tag out equipment

In-Person Instructor-Led

Safety procedures to be followed when working on equipment with stored hazardous energy.

Control of Hazardous Energy (LO/TO)

To schedule a classroom training, please email

Launch Course

American Heart Association

In-Person Instructor-Led

2-3 hour long course satisfies any work required outside of a healthcare setting.


In-person instructor led. Cost: $55. Discounts are available.

This 2-3 hour long course satisfies any work required outside of a healthcare setting. It will cover the basics of recognizing sudden cardiac arrest and how to perform CPR and use an AED until medical help arrives for adults, children, and infant patients.

Register for course

CPR/AED & First Aid
CPR & First Aid

In-Person Instructor-Led

6-7 hour long course combines the material from the CPR/AED course with add first aid skills.

CPR/AED & First Aid

In-person instructor led. Cost: $80. Discounts are available. This 6-7 hour long course combines the material from the CPR/AED course with additional, valuable First Aid skills. Students will learn to perform preliminary assessments for patients experiencing medical emergencies or traumatic injuries. First aid skills include patient assessment, EpiPen administration, bleeding control, and much more!

Register for a class

CSB students only: Food Safety for Student Businesses

Online Self-Paced


CSB students only: Food Safety for Student Businesses

Center for Student Businesses 

Once you hit “Launch Course” you will be directed to the OWL Enviornmental Health and Safety Training login page. Please enter your UMass credentials and hit log in. You will then be directed to the EH&S, UMass Trainings - Environmental Health and Safety department home page. On the left-hand side click on “Trainings” which will direct you to the list of trainings. From there click on the Food Safety for Student Businesses training and begin. 

Launch Course

DigSafe Training
"Dig Sale" sign

Online Self-Paced

Review of UMA procedures and Massachusetts DigSafe and Trenching regulations.

DigSafe Training

Required for anyone involved in excavation work at UMass Amherst and its satellite locations.  Certification is good for two years.  

Launch Course

Field Research Safety Training
Field Researcher

Online Self-Paced

Required training for anyone doing field or farm work.

Field Research Safety Training

Required training for anyone doing field or farm work. 

Launch Course

Fire Safety Training
Fire alarm

Online Self-Paced

Fire safety training covers basic fire safety topics for anyone working in a lab, shop, or studio.

Fire Safety Training

Required for anyone who works in a lab, shop, or studio. Fire Safety Resources from EH&S.

Launch course

Food Safety for Food Handler/Volunteers Serving Catered Food

Online Self-Paced

For individuals handling or serving approved catered food.

Food Safety for Food Handler/Volunteers Serving Catered Food

More information about serving catered food can be found at:

Once you hit “Launch Course” you will be directed to the OWL Enviornmental Health and Safety Training login page. Please enter your UMass credentials and hit log in. You will then be directed to the EH&S, UMass Trainings - Environmental Health and Safety department home page. On the left-hand side click on “Trainings” which will direct you to the list of trainings. From there click on the Food Safety for Food Handler/Volunteers Serving Catered Food training and begin. 

Launch Course

Food Safety – Bake Sales

Online Self-Paced

For individuals proposing to sell approved non-TCS (Time/Temperature Control for Safety) foods for a fundraiser or activity.

Food Safety – Bake Sales

More information about non-TCS foods can be found at

Once you hit “Launch Course” you will be directed to the OWL Enviornmental Health and Safety Training login page. Please enter your UMass credentials and hit log in. You will then be directed to the EH&S, UMass Trainings - Environmental Health and Safety department home page. On the left-hand side click on “Trainings” which will direct you to the list of trainings. From there click on the Food Safety – Bake Sales training and begin. 

Launch Course

Hazardous Waste Management
Hazardous Waste

In-Person Instructor-Led

Required annually for those who handle hazardous waste outside of a lab area.

Hazardous Waste Management

To schedule a classroom training, please email

Learn More

Hearing Conservation Training

Online Self-Paced

Information on ways to mitigate harmful sound levels when working in high noise environments & elements of the UMass Hearing Conservation Program.

Hearing Conservation Training

Required for anyone required to enroll in the hearing conservation program. 

Launch Course

hMRC Training
Brain Scan Images

Online Self-Paced

Provides basic safety training for use of equipment in the hMRC facility.

hMRC Training

Required for anyone who works in the hMRC facility. 

Launch Course

Lab Safety for Non-Laboratory Staff
Staff walking through a lab

In-Person Instructor-Led

Required for staff entering labs to perform non-laboratory associated work.

Lab Safety for Non-Laboratory Staff

Required for staff entering labs to perform non-laboratory associated work.

To schedule a classroom training, please email

Learn More

Lab Safety Training
Lab safety equipment

Online Self-Paced

Training covers the foundational principles of safety & regulatory compliance necessary for working in a lab space.

Lab Safety Training

Required for anyone who works in a lab, or in any other research area with chemicals, including shops. If you work in an art studio, you should complete art safety training in lieu of lab safety training. New lab members can order lab coats and eye protection online. EH&S is also happy to come to your lab to provide building and lab specific training if you like. To schedule, please contact us at  

Topics include hazard communication/right to know, hierarchy of controls, appropriate use of safety equipment and procedures, PPE programs & other resources, hazardous waste, and emergencies. Please use this handout as a supplement to the training. Lab safety training is required annually. 

Launch Course

Laser Cutter Safety Training
laser cutter

Online Self-Paced

This course is required for all users of laser cutters & replaces General Laser Safety Training for those who only use laser cutters.

Laser Cutter Safety Training

Users of laser cutters must complete this EH&S laser cutter training prior to unattended work with laser cutters. Laser hazards are based on laser hazard classes. Laser hazards are typically minimal with laser cutters because the laser is enclosed during operation. Alignment can lead to beam exposure and should only be performed by appropriately trained and qualified individuals. Ventilation is important for safe operation of laser cutters. Connections to exhaust should be evaluated by EH&S and qualified engineers to ensure these meet manufacturer’s requirements. Use of filter boxes are prohibited and fume extractors may only be used after evaluation and approval by EH&S. All acquisitions of laser cutters must be reported to EH&S.

Launch course

Laser Safety Training
Laser Safety Sign

Online Self-Paced

This course covers the basics of laser safety & is required for anyone who may be exposed to laser radiation from a class 3B or Class 4 laser.

Laser Safety Training

Required for anyone who works with a class 3B or 4 laser. 

Users of Confocal Microscope are also required to take this training. 

Launch Course

Mechanical Electrical Research Safety Training

Online Self-Paced

Required for anyone who works in a shop, with power tools, or other physically hazardous equipment.

Mechanical Electrical Research Safety Training

Required for anyone who works in a shop, with power tools, or other physically hazardous equipment. If you also work with chemicals of any kind, you must also take Lab Safety Training. If you work in the Art department, you should complete Art Safety Training instead of Lab Safety Training.

Mechanical and Electrical Research Safety (MERS) Training is required for anyone who works in a shop, with power tools, or other physically hazardous equipment. If you also work with chemicals of any kind, you must also take Lab Safety Training. If you work in the Art department, you should complete Art Safety Training instead of Lab Safety Training.

Launch course

PAPR Training
Person Wearing A PAPR

Online Self-Paced

Required annually for anyone who wears a PAPR

PAPR Training

This training is required annually for anyone who wears a powered air purifying respirator (PAPR). Please note that you must also receive medical clearance prior to wearing a PAPR. See the respiratory protection website for additional information:

Launch Course

PI Roles and Responsibilities Training
Roles and Responsibilities

Online Self-Paced

PI Roles & Responsibilities covers the important aspects of safety & regulatory compliance obligations for PIs for their labs, shops, and/or studios.

PI Roles and Responsibilities Training

The training also provides links to EH&S provided resources to assist you with safety & compliance. Recommended for new principal investigators who will be responsible for a lab, shop, or studio. 

Launch Course

Radiation Safety Training
Radiation Hazard

Online Self-Paced

Fundamentals of radiation safety to satisfy the basic training requirement as set forth in the University of Massachusetts Radiation Materials License

Radiation Safety Training

The UMass Amherst Radiation Safety Program provides training on the fundamentals of radiation safety to satisfy the basic training requirement for radiation workers as set forth in the University of Massachusetts Radiation Materials License. The total time to complete this training is approximately 3 hours. Required for anyone who works with radioactive materials, including sealed sources. 

Launch Course

Right to Know, Hazardous Materials in the Workplace
Hazardous Materials

In-Person Instructor-Led

Right to know and HazMat for all employees who do not work in lab areas.

Right to Know, Hazardous Materials in the Workplace

To schedule a classroom training, please contact

Learn More

Shipping Exempt Biological Substances Category B Training
Biological Substances Category B

Online Self-Paced

The training discusses proper packaging for human or animal materials that are being transported only for the purpose of diagnosis or investigation.

Shipping Exempt Biological Substances Category B Training

Required for anyone who ships biological materials. Please note that shipment of Category A materials requires specialized training. Contact EH&S at if you have a need to do so. 

Launch Course

Shipping with Dry Ice Training
Dry ice

Online Self-Paced

For personnel involved in packaging shipments containing dry ice for transport by air or vessel.

Shipping with Dry Ice Training

Required for anyone who ships packages containing dry ice. 

Launch Course

Vehicle & Pedestrian Safety
traffic walk sign

Online Self-Paced

This training is recommended for anyone who drives vehicles on campus.

Vehicle & Pedestrian Safety

Required for all those who operate vehicles on campus. 

For classroom options, please email

Launch Course

Winter Work Safety
Shoveling snow

In-Person Instructor-Led

For individuals responsible for snow removal or outdoor work during the winter months

Winter Work Safety

For individuals responsible for snow removal or outdoor work during the winter months

To schedule a classroom training, please email

Learn More

Worker Protection Standard – WPS
Workers Protection

Online Self-Paced

The Worker’s Protection Standard Training covers the basic safe work practices of handling & application of pesticides.

Worker Protection Standard – WPS

Required for anyone who works in areas where pesticides are used, including greenhouses. 

Once you hit “Launch Course” you will be directed to the OWL Enviornmental Health and Safety Training login page. Please enter your username and password and hit log in. You will then be directed to the EH&S, UMass Trainings - Environmental Health and Safety department home page. On the left-hand side click on “Trainings” which will direct you to the list of trainings. From there click on Worker Protection Standard – WPS and begin. 

Launch Course

Worker’s Protection Standard Training (Lab Personnel Only)

Online Self-Paced

The Worker’s Protection Standard Training covers the basic safe work practices of handling & application of pesticides.

Worker’s Protection Standard Training (Lab Personnel Only)

Required for anyone who works in areas where pesticides are used, including greenhouses. 

Launch Course

X-Ray Safety Training
x-ray in use sign

Online Self-Paced

All x-ray & radiation-producing machine users are required to complete a training course upon assignment to labs containing x-ray devices.

X-Ray Safety Training

Required for anyone using an X-Ray device. Users of portable x-rays, such as those used by Veterinary Animal Sciences, must take x-ray training. Dosimeters will not be issued if training is not completed. 

Launch Course



Environmental Health & Safety
117 Draper Hall
40 Campus Center Way
Amherst, MA 01003

413.545.2600 (Fax)

Staff Directory