SW Crampton and MacKimmie PCB Completion Report 2012-04-27

ATC Associates Inc., (ATC) has prepared this Final Completion Report for Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) removal and disposal activities conducted at Crampton and MacKimmie Dormitories located at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst ("Site"). This work was performed as part of an amendment to the Southwest Residential Area Concourse PCB Cleanup and Disposal Approval dated May 18, 2011.

Work was performed to support the installation of a new Fire Alarm and Sprinkler System at both buildings. The specific exterior areas affected by the work were as follows:

  • Water Main Excavation (East Side of the Crampton Dormitory): Removal of the concrete pad/walkway that abutted the building to facilitate excavation work for the new water main hookup.
  •  Masonry Steps at the Stonewall Center (North Side of the MacKimmie Dormitory): Removal of the steps that lead up to the entrance door of the Stonewall Center.
  •  Brick Pavers at Patio of Stonewall Center (North Side of the MacKimmie Dormitory): Removal of the brick pavers on the patio area.

Investigations of caulking located within the joints of the concrete pad/walkways, masonry steps and brick pavers determined the material to contain PCB >50 ppm. Based upon those findings, abatement specifications for these materials were prepared by ATC which included removal of the source material (caulking), masonry/brick materials and underlying soils, as per the procedures outlined by PCB Remediation Plan Amendment dated May 9, 2011, and as approved May 18, 2011.  



Environmental Health & Safety
117 Draper Hall
40 Campus Center Way
Amherst, MA 01003

413.545.2600 (Fax)

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