On behalf of the University of Massachusetts (UMASS), ATC Associates, Inc. (ATC) is requesting review and approval of the following Amendment to the existing PCB Cleanup and Disposal Approval (dated August 30, 2011) for PCB bulk product waste (original caulking) and PCB remediation waste (impacted building materials) at the Southwest Residential Area on the UMass campus in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Specifically, the Amendment would address removal of PCB caulking and impacted building materials at the exterior site areas at both the Crampton and MacKimmie Dormitories that will undergo a Fire Alarm and Sprinkler Upgrade Project during the 2011 summer intermission. The following information has been provided as an Amendment to the Inspection, Modification and Revocation Conditions, Part 15 of the "PCB Cleanup and Disposal Approval Conditions for the Southwest Residential Concourse." (See attached document.)