Recreational Camps for Children

Each recreational camp at the UMass Amherst must be approved annually through the UMass Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Department. All camp required documents must be submitted to the UMass EH&S Department as detailed in the timeline below prior to the start date of the camp. This timeline is to ensure completion of the review and approval process for your camp. 

1. Day camps, operating for four days or more, within a two week period, (even if the attendees are different), or

2. Residential camps, operating for three overnights and four days or more, within a two week period, (even if the the attendees are different), or

3. Any program calling itself a "camp," or

4. Any program which includes "specialized high risk activities."

What has to be submitted to and/or reviewed by EH&S?

1. An application with the required attachments and policies (checklists, agreements, and templates are available for your use) 90 days in advance of the camp opening, (variances may be given for 30 day submittals).

2. All of the staff and camper medical and immunization forms 10 business days in advance of the camp opening.

3. All of the staff background checks 10 business days in advance of the camp opening.

What are some of the new State requirements in 2018?

1. All camp staff and volunteers shall complete the on-line training from CDC entitled, "Heads Up" or equivalent as approved by the Department of Public Health. 

2. Operating timelines for meeting the camp definition are: four days (and three nights, if overnight) within a two week period.

3. School vacation programs, meeting the definition must be licensed.

4. New supervisory and training roles for the Health Care Consultant, staff, and specialized activities staff-persons.

Who doesn't have to apply?

1. Educational, cultural, or faith based programs not calling themselves a camp, and

2. Programs not meeting the definition of a camp at 105 CMR 430.020.

Reminder: Any youth programs not meeting the definition of a camp, and therefore not registering or applying as such, cannot engage in any high-risk activity such as swimming while they are on campus.


State regulations:




Environmental Health & Safety
117 Draper Hall
40 Campus Center Way
Amherst, MA 01003

413.545.2600 (Fax)

Staff Directory