Radiation Safety Program

Radiation Safety serves and supports the goals of the university, enabling the safe and compliant use of radiation and radioactive materials using a customer-centered approach to service.

The Radiation Safety Program is responsible for assisting the University community in the safe use of ionizing radiation including radioactive materials (RAM) and radiation producing machines. The program is designed to protect registered radiation users, staff, students, and the general public from radiation exposure, and ensure the safe receipt, handling, use and storage of radiation and radioactive material.  The program assists users to maintain all radiation exposures As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) and to ensure operations are in compliance with applicable state and federal regulations.  Many important program features, such as isotope inventories, waste and training records, and permits are handled through SciShield.

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 documents

Laser Door Sign: Laboratories which house and use lasers must be labeled with signage alerting... read more

Uranyl Acetate: This document details essential information required for work with Uranium and... read more

Ionizing Radiation Fact Sheet: Ionizing Radiation can be harmful to human health.  This fact... read more

Laser Cutter SOP: This SOP outlines the requirements and best practices for use... read more

Laser Eye Protection Fact Sheet: Enclosure is always the preferred method of protection from... read more

Laser Pointer Safety Fact Sheet: Laser pointers can be hazardous when used improperly.  The... read more

Laser Safety Manual: The light produced by a laser has a unique combination of spatial coherence... read more

Welcome to UMass Amherst!  The following is meant to provide basic information to new principal... read more

The authorized user (Principle Investigator) must file a ... read more

PI Guidance on Adding and Removing Laser Equipment in SciShield: Please use this guide to check... read more

Radiation Permit Application: This document includes a letter to Prospective Radiation Users... read more

Radiation Safety Manual: University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) has an on-site Radiation... read more

Complete the Radiation Shipment Notification Form. You must be registered in... read more

UV Protection Fact Sheet: The UV radiation generated by laboratory equipment... read more



Environmental Health & Safety
117 Draper Hall
40 Campus Center Way
Amherst, MA 01003

413.545.2600 (Fax)

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