Radiation Safety Manual

Radiation Safety Manual: University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) has an on-site Radiation Safety Officer (RSO). The responsibilities of the RSO are described in the license issued by the Massachusetts Radiation Control Program (MRCP) which permits the use of radioisotopes at UMass. The RSO reports all issues concerning audits, inspections, licensing, waste management, direction and needs of the Radiation Safety Program to the Radiation Use Committee (RUC).  The Radiation Safety Manual details provisions of the program that are required by the license.  The Radiation Safety Manual can be downloaded from SciShield here: https://umass.scishield.com/raft/document/16723ea6-226f-4f4a-b613-398144... 



Environmental Health & Safety
117 Draper Hall
40 Campus Center Way
Amherst, MA 01003

413.545.2600 (Fax)

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