Radiation Permit Application: This document includes a letter to Prospective Radiation Users from Environmental Health and Safety's Radiation Safety Officer and a Permit Application to use radioactive materials at UMass Amherst. The use of RM is highly regulated at all levels from small research quantities to high exposure irradiators under a license issued by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Radiation Control Program (MRCP) sanctioned by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. At UMass Amherst, the peer review Radiation Use Committee (RUC) is responsible for setting radiation safety policy, ensuring that all regulations are followed and that all license conditions are met. As the Radiation Safety Officer, Haneef Sahabdeen is responsible to the RUC for assuring that all users and laboratory supervisors understand their responsibilities under our license and any state, federal or local regulatory agency requirements during inspections.
This form is not to be used for permit renewals; it is for new radiation users only. The application may be downloaded from SciShield here: https://umass.scishield.com/raft/document/e2a61433-c627-4448-b0d5-d51343...