John Oliver Design Building Green Roof Installation

On November 16, 2017, students from Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning (LARP) were able to put into practice skills they have learned to safely and successfully install a green roof on the small overhang of the main entrance to the building.  Recognizing that the installation was at best challenging due to the height of and the limited access to the roof, they sought out assistance from Pam Monn, Assistant Director for Custodial & Ground Services, and Campus Safety Manager Michael Kauffman to work out the logistics of the installation. 

Physical Plant provided a scissors lift and Michael Kauffman provided safety consultation and training in the use of the lift and associated fall protection equipment.  This was great cooperative effort by all involved, and provided the Landscape Contracting students with a valuable experience on many fronts but most importantly they learned the integral role safety plays in a project like this.



Environmental Health & Safety
117 Draper Hall
40 Campus Center Way
Amherst, MA 01003

413.545.2600 (Fax)

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