Help Prevent COVID-19

Questions? Call the UMass University Health Services (UHS) Triage Advice Nurse at 413-577-5229

When to Seek Care

If you're experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, follow the guidelines on what to do next.

Download the When to Seek Care guidelines [PDF].

Know the Symptoms

Fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat: They can be mild or severe. The virus spreads through close contact – within 6 feet of someone infected. 

Download the Know the Symptoms guidelines [PDF].

Practice Social Distancing

Have to go out? Keep 6 feet of distance between you and others whenever possible. Why does it matter? It can help limit the spread of corona virus (COVID-19). What is it? Stayijg away from close contact in public spaces, avoiding large crowds and gatherings. 

Download the Social Distancing flyer [PDF]

Keep UMass Clean

Discard used protective equipment in the trash.

Download the discard PPE flyer

Be Health Smart

Questions? Call: UHS Triage Advice Nurse at 413-577-5229

Wash your hands

Use soap and water and wash for at least 20 seconds. To prevent the spread of germs, wash your hands often throughout the day, especially after coughing, sneezing, using the restroom or before handling food!

Use hand sanitizer when you’re on the go and can’t wash.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow, not your hands. Throw used tissues in the trash.
  • Don’t share food, drinks, utensils, or similar items.

If you're sick

If you’re sick, stay home from school or work. Avoid close contact with others.

Download the Be Health Smart poster [PDF].


Elevator Social Distancing

Download the Elevator Social Distancing poster [PDF]