Environmental Health and Safety deals only with the safety aspects of outdoor activities. Sponsors of activities must also secure land use permission from the University's Physical Plant Department. You may contact the Physical Plant's Director of Customer Service by calling: 545-0600.
- Notify Environmental Health & Safety (Fire Extinguisher Dept.) prior to the event by calling: 545-2660 to make an appointment to obtain a fire extinguisher.
- All cooking fires must be contained within a cooking unit (e.g., barbecue grille, half barrel, full barrel, or fireplace).
- Charcoal lighter fluid is the only starter fluid permitted; it must be used with caution and NOT added to the fire once it has been started.
- Locate cooking equipment away from combustible materials, so that smoke does not enter buildings. Locate grille so that it is not a danger to participants.
- Obtain a metal "ash only" recepticle from Residential Life or Facilities and Campus Services to hold the ashes after the BBQ so that they can cool for disposal.